Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Mars Volta – Amputechture

Review# 287

For the most part The Mars Volta have held little interest for me. The first track I heard was the one with the creepy possum thing crawling through the forest and I just didn't take to it. After listening to this album I am still not sure, but it has given me something to think about. The music is rather complex and the tracks go on and on, neither of these things are bad at all - it just means that there is a lot to try and take in and absorb. I enjoyed the mix of the wind instruments as they weave their way through the rest of the band, its quite fun trying to pick them out at times. I am still undecided on the lead singers voice, its a bit weird but it does seem to work well with the music. I think this would need a lot more plays before I decide if I actually like it or not but it is an interesting listen.


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