Saturday, April 2, 2011

Michael Jackson – Dangerous

Review# 94

This is the first album I ever brought, I brought it from Kmart in Whanganui with some Christmas money the same year it came out. I remember well the moment as we started driving home and mum put the tape on and the opening sound is of glass smashing and then mum freaking out thinking something hit the car... Priceless! I actually don't remember this album as well as I thought I would given how much I listened to it growing up. I also thought I would enjoy it more than I am. There is something about having the same drum loop play for most of the album and just touches of sounds added with synth that really annoy me. Also some of the tuning on MJ's voice, especially on tracks like She Drives Me Wild and Can't Let Her Get Away, add a sort of burr that makes him a little hard to understand. Lyrically the songs are either about political/social issues or sex. The last topic I find hard to take seriously in hindsight now that his private life is smeared everywhere and the first can come across as a touch whiney with certain songs like Why You Wanna Trip On Me. Black Or White or Give In To Me are probably the best songs on the album, at least there are some variation's in the music. Give In To Me also has Slash on guitar automatically making the song much more interesting but also the song itself is a lot darker which always makes things more appealing to me. I must say that after listening to songs like Keep It In The Closet again after many years I can't believe that my parents ever let me run round the house singing that song at the top of my lungs! I obviously had no idea what the song was about but still - would have been funny if I ever asked "what is it they want to give each other?" I'm not sure if the answer would have been "lollies" or "you know that thing you have seen the cows doing..."

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