Tuesday, March 15, 2011

System Of A Down – Toxicity

Review# 74

I picked this album up when I was 17 and it blew my mind. I would take the train into polytech and listen to it over and over on the disk-man I brought with my course related costs... In fact that's how I got this album!
It's been a good few years now since I listened to Toxicity right through and I must admit that while I still enjoy the album I have a slightly different perspective on it. When I was 17 a large appeal of the album in the first instance was the fact that it was "extreme"... As in something so out there and heavy it would blow your mind! Well I now know what "extreme" music is and while System likely stirred something due to their craziness I wouldn't call them an extreme band. Now 9years later I appreciate Toxicity a lot more; I still like the same songs on the album so obviously my 17year old self wasn't quite as thick as on first inspection (after all I was into Rammstein and Slipknot too by this point and I still love both of those bands) but now I appreciate the eccentric-ness of the album and the musicality. System were good at what they do and some of the weirder songs are favourites; like Psycho and Bounce but I also really like the more serious tracks like Toxicity. Apparently a lot of people really don't like Bounce, it is a bit of nonsense I guess but I really like it. Don't ask me why, maybe it's just that I'm a bitch who wants to play the song that annoys everyone else?????
I also enjoy the subtle elements of the recording too, there are often lines sung or spoken that are lower in the mix but work well to add depth and layering to the main vocal line. The album is hooky as fuck too so you will always end up with something from it stuck in your head... I was walking around singing "psycho groupie cocaine crazy psycho groupie coke, gets you high gets you high makes you really wana go STOP" to my self for a whole day the other day. Good times... Not the best while at work but better than a Revolting Cocks song!

Toxicity: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWPTtZF9ClI
Chop Suey: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3voawEb6Xgw
Psycho: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJTi_I_Q_tU
Bounce: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_OlWN8A--Y

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