Friday, February 11, 2011

Mastodon - Crack the Skye

Review# 13
It seems I am in a minority with my opinion of this album. Most people love it, Metal Hammer rated it #1 album of 2009. It debued at #11 on the Billboard 200 and sold 41,000 copies in the first week. Time Magazine even rated it as #3 on it's top albums of 2009 for fucks sake!
I guess I can see why; musicaly it is good, thematicaly it is good, the videos are good, it's Mastodon and they are a amazing band.... until this album... for me anyway. There is just something lacking in it... for me... and its Mastodons BALLS! And that just ruins it.
The bit where you go “ooooh the growly ballsy bit it guna rip in here and knock my socks off...” ... ... then nope its just wierd singy bits that are in fact the opposite of ballsy growls! It just seems soft, even the riffs sound soft and sleepy. I know that they are heavily influenced by prog etc and Brent Hinds claims they aren't a metal band... he needs to go back and listen to the 3 other Mastodon albums then and think that over.

Lets face it, Mastodon up till this point have been all about Balls. Yes, Blood Mountain explored their proggy bits but still had balls! BALLS! Marry up the prog and the metal, thats fine but keep your Balls Mastodon! Listening to this now, after a good year of avoiding it, it sill makes me mad and dissapointed. Sad face here. I can even hear them holding back on sections where a growl would be sooooo much better! Divinations is hands down the best track on the album... it is a peep show of Mastodons Balls.


Oh and the album is a concept about a kid who can't walk and stuff so he astral travels and then gets sucked into a wormhole and ends up in Rasputins body and has to get back to his own body. Actualy the type of story I like.... IF ONLY IT HAD B.A.L.L.S!!!!!

Going to stop now as I have no idea how many more times I can say balls! Watch the vids because they do make good videos. Off to listen to something good now.

And if you want some Balls, March of the Fire Ants:


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