Friday, February 11, 2011

Nightwish – Wishmaster

Review# 11
Nightwish are a Finnish Power/Gothic/Symphonic Metal band fronted (at the time) by the very talented, classically and operatic trained, can sing in something like 7 octaves, Tarja Turunen. Tarja was also a right Diva so was sacked an album or two later but I will get to that in later reviews.
What I like about this album over their future releases is that there is a much rawer element to it. They manage to get across the incredibly fantastic element of their songs without all of the extra bits of orchestra and over production. While I like Once it doesn’t feel as honest as Wishmaster, and Dark Passion Play is a different kettle of fish due to Annette Olzon coming onboard and a new style conforming to her completely different talents.
Listening to this now, when I haven’t listened to it for quite some years (in part because I was really disillusioned by Tarja’s attitude and the open letter the band gave her that went around the internet like wildfire) it really is a very good album especially for a fantasy nut like me. I mean, they reference the Lord of the Rings a handful of times which is just awesome. It has enough upbeat songs like Wishmaster and The Kinslayer as well as the more sorrowful tracks like Dead Boys Poem. I feel like I am listening to a sound track for a fantasy film.

Dead Boy’s Poem:

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