Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Chemical Romance – Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge

Review# 48

I thought I had lost this album a good couple of years ago but came across it while unpacking a box of CDs the other day. Of course I wasn’t totally bothered if I had lost it, there are so many negative connotations associated with My Chem now days that one could feel they want to distance themselves from anything to do with them. And after the wankery of the Black Parade and whatever the fuck the leading single from their latest offering is meant to be then one could lose all faith in a band anyway.

To be honest though I have often defended this album, released before the real impact of fame and fortune hit and the idea of the Black Parade was just a bad dream. There is attitude and a frantic need to get through to the listener. It is punk rock not wankyness, there is a real meaning and intent to what they want to get across... I just don’t think that lyrically it is relevant any more. Lyrically this album means little to a 26 year old so I have no real connection to it barring memories of being younger. I would question how relevant this is to kids now days too.
I have to admit that I still kind of enjoy this album to a degree, it is more valuable to have in my album collection than the Black Parade that’s for sure. At least it has intensity not just a big fat pile of wanky poo. This is definitely My Chem's best album and at the rate they are going probably the only good thing they have ever done. Yes it is Emo, I don’t know a lot about Emo-isim having never been part of the scene so I don’t know how it would stack up in comparison to other scene albums but three cheers is surprisingly solid. It sure as hell is not everyone's cuppa and I will still make fun of My Chem like the rest of the world but not this album because while it is maybe not relevant any more it is still good. I doubt I will play this much in the years to come but that's ok (I promise).

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